Revolutionizing Neurological Care 2024: A Comprehensive Exploration of Deep Brain Stimulation in Modern Medicine

Revolutionizing Neurological Care

Revolutionizing Neurological Care: A Comprehensive Exploration of Deep Brain Stimulation in Modern Medicine

Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep brain stimulation today, the most commonly used method in the surgery of movement disorders is brain battery surgery, where in this surgery a thin electrical cable is placed in the Centers responsible for the complaint in the brain and low-intensity electrical energy is constantly supplied.

Thus, an effect is made on the brain cells located in that area or in the areas associated with it, since it has been known for more than 100 years that electrical stimulation in the brain causes various effects.

Electrical stimulation of the brain in movement disorders has been tried for about 50 years. However, this method entered into everyday use in 1987.

Previously it was used only in the treatment of tremor. Then after a very short time it was also used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and dystonia.

The brain battery is a therapeutic method used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, idiopathic tremor, dystonia and other neurological problems that cause movement disorders.

A brain battery is a surgical method used to eliminate problems with the mechanism of movement caused by brain damage or lack of production of certain substances.

As for how to insert the brain battery, it would be correct to say that it is done by a surgical procedure.

Some problems may occur due to damage to the areas of the brain that are responsible for movement control or a decrease in the production of substances that go into the movement of the brain in this area.

The brain battery is considered the most effective method that is used today to treat problems in those suffering from previous diseases.

Brain battery surgery is very safe and recent advances in hardware technology have also improved patient outcomes.

Stages of the brain battery installation process (Deep Brain Stimulation )

How to install the brain battery, it will be right to first answer how effective the treatment methods related to the brain battery. The average life of the brain battery used to treat many different neurological diseases is about 5 years and needs to be replaced afterwards.

On the other hand, some brain batteries used today have prolonged the life of the brain battery up to 20 years thanks to the recharge feature.

The stages of the brain battery installation process (deep stimulation of the brain) are:

  • In the treatment of brain batteries first brain MRI imaging is taken.
  • The target on which the brain battery will be placed, which is determined according to magnetic resonance results, is determined.
  • On the day of surgery a frame is placed on the patient’s head with local anesthesia and a CT scan of the brain is taken.
  • Goal coordinates are arranged by combining CT imaging of the brain with an MRI image.
  • The patient is transferred to the operating room and the first stage of this process begins, which is a two-stage process.
  • Electrodes are directed to the target according to the specific coordinates without the patient sleeping under local anaesthetic.
  • At this stage progress is made by talking to the patient.
  • The accuracy of the target is ascertained by monitoring cell sounds in the brain by recording the micro tract.
  • Two electronic rods (electrodes) are permanently placed in the area where the patient’s outcomes improve.
  • The frame on the patient’s head is then removed.
  • The patient is completely sedated and the second phase of the operation begins.
  • Electronic sticks placed under the skin are connected with the help of an extension cable with the battery placement below the collarbone.

How Parkinson’s patients benefit from brain battery operation (Deep Brain Stimulation)

There is an improvement in the side effects of Parkinson’s patients such as involuntary contractions (dyskinesia) caused by taking the drug and the extreme fluctuations between periods of taking the drug are also reduced due to the decrease in the level of the drug in the body and although they vary depending on the surgical goal, there will be a decrease in the doses of drugs as well.

What diseases are used from the brain battery process (Deep Brain Stimulation)

Diseases treated with brain battery are as follows:

  • Family Tremor Disorder (Anonymous Tremor)
  • TIC disorder (Tourette’s syndrome)
  • Parkinson’s Paralysis
  • Muscular dysfunction (a group of diseases in which the body is constantly twisted involuntarily)
  • Tremor Disease (Reef)
  • Epilepsy
  • Huntington’s disease is a rare genetic disease in which motor coordination of neurons in the brain is gradually weakened

In addition, studies on brain battery continue to treat other diseases such as obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, drug addiction and headaches around the world.

Who are the patients for whom the brain battery operation (Deep Brain Stimulation )is performed

It is used especially for Parkinson’s patients, patients with dystonia and idiopathic tremor and has also in recent years been used in the treatment of epileptic conditions and mental disorders (e.g. depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder) but the results have been very satisfactory for these patients.

Revolutionizing Neurological Care

How is brain battery operation performed

Brain battery surgery is performed under general anesthesia as the doctor inserts the brain battery into the damaged area. Where it is at a distance from the electrons to the battery. The battery is usually placed below the collarbone.  In some cases it is also noted that they are placed in the abdomen.

How the brain battery is introduced

Brain battery surgery takes an average of six hours.  After brain battery surgery the battery activity and the necessary upgrade operations are performed by the experienced specialist and doctor after certain periods and reviews.

What diseases is the brain battery used for

In addition to Parkinson’s disease, the brain battery can also be used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders, major depression, tic disorder, epilepsy in cases of idiopathic tremor (shaking disorder) and dystonia (involuntary contraction).

After the operation of regulating the motor centers of the brain satisfactory results are achieved in many patients.  Thanks to successful results an average of seventy percent improvement in the quality of the patient’s daily life is observed.

What are the effects of brain battery

Answering questions about what the effects are after implantation of a brain battery is generally correct to say that the success rate is high. The brain battery, which has been used to eliminate problems such as muscle contraction and tremor since 1980, also creates advantages in the quality of the patient’s daily life.

In addition to achieving seventy percent as a success rate, ninety percent of the problems that occur due to certain diseases have an impact on the success of the results.

Pre-operation brain battery (Deep Brain Stimulation)

Before performing brain battery surgery, the doctor must determine which medications the patient is using and some of them should be stopped and others taken in a regular manner. Also before the operation all the necessary examinations of the patient should be carried out and determine his suitability for the operation of the brain battery.

These necessary examinations and analyzes are ordered by the specialist doctor and preparation for the operation is carried out according to the results.

At the stage of brain battery operation (Deep Brain Stimulation)

The brain battery is inserted by an expert doctor and under general anesthesia, where the doctor the necessary electronics are placed in the predetermined area and the battery is placed under the clavicle by cables, which provides the doctor with an advantage in terms of ease of changing the battery after placing it under the skin, and sometimes it can be placed on the abdomen instead of the clavicle.

After brain battery operation (Deep Brain Stimulation)

After brain battery surgery it is necessary that the attending physician perform the necessary reviews for the patient, because it is possible that a headache or vertigo will occur after the operation. Although there are no such side effects in all cases, some patients have been observed after surgery.

After brain battery surgery, the patient is discharged from the hospital one day after the completion of his reviews at the attending physician.

Risks of brain battery operation (Deep Brain Stimulation)

As with any operation there are some risks during or after the brain battery operation procedure, but these risks are very low.

Among the risks that can occur during brain battery surgery are brain hemorrhage, vision loss, dizziness, headaches, infection, Communication Disorders, and changes in brain electronics.

Frequently asked questions regarding the brain battery process (Deep Brain Stimulation)

Patients and their relatives ask many questions such as how to insert a brain battery or how long it can be used.

We have included the answers to the questions that come to the minds of patients and their relatives below:

What is the chronological age of the brain battery

The battery life of the brain is between 3 and 5 years on average.

Depending on the patient’s condition where changes in the life of the brain battery can be observed. And the battery should be replaced with a new one before the old one completely runs out and under local anesthesia.

How many hours does brain battery surgery take

Brain battery surgery must be performed under general anesthesia and surgery that must be performed by a specialized and experienced doctor can take up to 6 hours.

Who are the wrong people for brain battery surgery (deep brain stimulation)

The brain battery cannot be used in patients responding to drug therapy and is not recommended for people with psychological problems.

And also not suitable for people with moderate or severe dementia, that is, dementia, and people who are not suitable for being put under anesthesia.

Does infection or inflammation appear after a brain battery operation (deep brain stimulation)

Only three percent of cases after heart battery surgery are possible infections in them.

It is extremely important not to wet the wound area after the procedure. In addition, the battery area, that is, the chest area, should also be protected.

If the patient becomes infected, the specialist will provide the necessary treatment.

What cases are suitable brain battery operation (deep brain stimulation)

Also among the questions asked Is How to install a brain battery and who are the right people for a brain battery.

A brain battery is placed for people with motor disorders such as muscle cramps and tremors.

But there are certain conditions for this.

According to the details such as the patient’s resistance to the drugs used after the operation, the side effects of the drugs used, and based on these points a space is provided for implanting the heart battery device in the brain.

Can brain battery device patients benefit from radiography

Patients who use the brain battery device can benefit from radiographic imaging devices such as MRI, X-ray and computed tomography.

What is the minimum age for the operation of the brain battery (deep brain stimulation)

Although there is no specific age limit for patients who need to have a brain battery installed, it is not recommended for patients over 80 years of age .

Can uncharged brain batteries be used later

Uncharged brain batteries generally cannot be used.

What is the cost of the brain battery operation (deep brain stimulation )

Prices for brain batteries vary depending on the brand and model used.

When does the patient recover after brain battery surgery

After the brain battery operation is performed, examinations and reviews are carried out regularly by a doctor.

Stitches are removed in ten to fourteen days, and it would be correct to say an average of a monthone with the expiration of the effects of the operation and the activation of the battery.

What happens if the brain battery runs out

In the event that the brain battery runs out, the patient is faced with a negative situation.

That is why the brain battery must be replaced with a new one before it is completely discharged by a doctor.

Can brain battery surgery completely cure patients

Brain organization surgery is an operation that is performed not for the complete recovery of patients,

but to improve their overall quality of life, preferably avoiding the side effects of the drugs used.

Is the brain battery running out

There is a certain period of time in the use of the brain battery.  According to the patient and the course of the disease the average battery life can be determined. The average life of a brain battery is five years.

Can Parkinson’s disease be controlled through brain battery operation ( deep brain stimulation ) 

Yes Parkinson’s disease is controlled through brain organization surgery.

It is possible to achieve 70% successful results in Parkinson’s patients.

It also eliminates the problems of sluggishness and tremor caused by the disease and also be a cause of increased quality of life.

How to charge the brain battery

The new brain batteries are characterized by being rechargeable.

The average life of ordinary batteries is five years and they need to be changed after that،

But rechargeable batteries provide up to twenty years of use thanks to their charging feature.

 What complications appear in the body after brain battery surgery

Headache or dizziness may occur after brain battery surgery.

This situation does not last long, but it is a temporary situation. In case of increased headache or dizziness or they do not go away, the doctor will take the necessary precautions and measures by conducting the required examinations.

In addition, complications vary from person to person and vary according to the patient’s condition, and the patient and his relatives will be informed about possible complications before the operation by the doctor.

Does the brain battery affect everyday life

There is no change in the daily life of patients who have undergone brain battery surgery.

By implanting a brain battery patients can easily cope with their daily tasks.

Brain battery surgery will not completely cure the disease, but it significantly reduces the symptoms, and usually they do not disappear completely .

Brain battery therapy is not successful for everyone.

There are a number of variables that play an important role in the success of the treatment of brain batteries.

It is important to talk to the specialist before surgery about what kind of improvement he can expect for the patient’s condition.

The method of brain batteries for the treatment of movement disorders has been approved since the nineties and numerous studies have proven the superiority of this surgery over medical treatment alone.

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