Interview with the family of the patient | The donor is his son liver transplant in Turkey

liver transplant in Turkey

Patient name : 
Ibrahim Abdel Hay Abu Hussein

Patient Age of the :
62 Years

Problem of the patient :
Ascites – Anorexia- Xanthochromia- digestive problems

Medical Information :
Blood group: AB – Hight: 172 cm – Weight: 75 KG

Diagnosis of the patient :
Cirrhosis of liver

Medical file of the patient

The patient’s profile was studied remotely and diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. The decision was made by the doctors’ committee at the transplantation center, and the treatment plan was outlined, the patient was assessed in detail, and the medical treatment required was clarified where a liver transplant was urgently needed.

Details of the operation were accurately explained to the patient’s family. After remote consent of the patient and his family, a program was set up to monitor the patient until their arrival in Turkey.

The patient was admitted to the hospital, where we started doing all the preparatory tests for the patient and the donor, who is the patient’s son, in terms of tests, radiology, match tests and so on.

The patient’s file was prepared with full details regarding his final diagnosis and other procedures. We came to the conclusion that the patient needed a liver transplant urgently. The patient needed immediate medical treatment, so we started the pre-operative treatment in order to stabilize his health.

The results of the patient’s full medical examination are as follows

  • The patient was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver
  • The case was diagnosed that it needs a liver transplant urgently
  • The donor was the son of the patient “close relatives”

Requested operation

Liver transplant from donor “patient’s son”.

We successfully did the liver transplant

Pre-operative and post-operative treatment and follow-up lasted approximately two months and after the patient was discharged, it was necessary to visit the transplant center to follow the case of the patient closely.

The operation was successful and now the patient is in a good health

Liver transplant
Liver transplant

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